
White-box Attacks

In white-box adversarial attacks, attackers have complete knowledge of the target model, including model structure, weight parameters, and training data. In this scenario, attackers can directly access the internal information of the target model, making it easier to understand the model’s characteristics and vulnerabilities. Attackers can generate adversarial examples in a targeted manner by analyzing model gradients, loss functions, and other information, causing the model to produce misleading outputs. White-box attacks typically involve using gradient information for backpropagation to maximize changes in input, steering the model output toward the direction expected by the attacker. With carefully designed adversarial examples, attackers can guide the model to make incorrect decisions, posing significant harm in practical applications

Black-box Attacks

In recent years, black-box adversarial attacks in the field of neural code models have been widely studied. In contrast to white-box adversarial attacks, where the attacker has detailed information about the model’s structure and weights, black-box adversarial attacks involve attackers who cannot access such detailed information. In black-box attacks, adversaries can only generate adversarial examples by obtaining limited model outputs through model queries. The harm caused by black-box attacks primarily manifests in compromised model performance and threats to system security. In situations where detailed model information is unavailable, attackers ingeniously construct adversarial examples, potentially leading to misleading outputs from neural code models, affecting the accuracy of the model in practical tasks. This not only poses a potential threat to downstream models in software engineering tasks but may also result in serious issues in security-critical systems.

Datasets used in adversarial research on NCMs

Dataset Year Programming Language Data Source Download Link Study
BigCloneBench 2014 Java GitHub Download XXX
OJ dataset 2016 C++ OJ Platform Download XXX
CodeSearchNet 2019 Go
GitHub Download XXX

A summary of existing adversarial attacks in NCMs

Attack Technique Year Venue Attack Type Target Models Target Tasks
Quiring et al. 2019 USENIX Security Black-box Attack Random Forest
Authorship Attribution
DAMP 2020 OOPSLA White-box Attack Code2Ve
Method Name Prediction
Variable Name Prediction
STRATA 2020 Arxiv Black-box Attack Code2Seq Method Name Prediction
MHM 2020 AAAI Black-box Attack BiLSTM
Function Classification
Srikant et al. 2021 ICLR White-box Attack Seq2Seq Method Name Prediction
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